Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Wow, the last assignments.  Is it really almost over?  These assignments required me to dig deep into my soul to complete.  Where do I need to improve?  I believe I need to get better at working collaborately.  I have been known to not trust others to do the work and I realize that is not the way to lead.  It must begin with discussions to establish trust and it doesn't have to be completed that day.  I guess that has always been a problem for me.  When we decide to do something I want it done by the end of the day.  I have begun to understand that sometimes it is about the process and the foundation that is build during that process.  I plan to meet each week with my department heads and PLC leaders to have these discussions and determine how I can best support them. 
With regards to the capstone paper, it was encouraging to talk about the many programs and services we have at  Sanger High but it was also a little disheartening to see how we need to make these services better.  We have got to find a way to make interventions inviting to students that need it and not like a punishment.  We need to find a way to motivate students to understand the importance of seeking additional support after school.  Parental involvement is also an area where we can improve dramatically.  I don't understand the disconnect at the secondary level.   This is a conversation we will be having in our admin meetings.  I have some ideas. 
Overall, this has been a great experience.  Aside from all the reading, papers to write, late nights, confusion, and stress, it has been a phenomenal learning experience.  I truly felt more comfortable in my position each week.  Thank you to all of my peeps and to our awesome instructors. 


  1. Very nice reflection. My master project is about parent involvement in their children's education. I do agree with your statement about the disconnect between parents and school. There is no doubt that something needs to be done to break the barriers that prevent parents for participating.

  2. I agree with you Pete. Parent involvement is huge but lacking in most secondary schools. I remember going to SHS as a parent and wondering why there weren't more people at events. Keep up the good work. You guys have a great team there. Good luck!
